Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Living is a small community it seems everyone knows what your are up to.  Even if they don't know they make others think they do.  Interesting how so many people find the time to worry about what you are doing but don't bother to ask.  I have learned over the years to stay to myself and try to leave people alone.

I read ever day on Face Book how people hurt the feelings of others.  Seems when we put our hand out to lend it, it gets snapped off at the wrist.  How can alleged friends and family be so mean.  They draw you in just to spit you out.  Then they find pleasure going around and spewing their negative thoughts about you to everyone that will listen.  I would like to know what the other person says about me that makes it OK for them to continue spewing their dirt on me.  If you are my friend why not hold up for me.

Life it too short.  Struggles are too hard.  Why can't people just tend to their own lives and follow the rule, "if you can't say something nice don't bother saying anything at all!".  We all need to set aside a few days and go on a mean free diet.  Rid our minds of negative thoughts.  Purge our hearts of hatred.  Consume only good things.  Exercise our happy muscles instead of our frowns.  If we all could drop several pounds of negativity from our person think how much better the world would be, not to mention our own little community.Change you address from Negative Street to Hope Highway.  Set your GPS to find the good not bad. When you ask someone how they are mean it don't let it just be a passing statement.  Listen not only with your ears but with your heart.  Treat others not the way they treat you but they way you would want them to treat you. Show your good side, the one with the cheek turned.

But if all this fails.  Step away.  Don't be drawn into their mess.  Pray they find someone to help them clean it up knowing you have tried.  Remember in this life you can't hire a maid to do your spiritual housecleaning you have to pick up that broom and sweep away what you put down.  Then you will be ready to show the world you can be a better person.  Then maybe you will be worthy of the others that wanted to be your friend.  Then you will find peace in yourself knowing you can be alone and it's OK.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written OPM... I am trying to sweep I promise. Sometimes words pop back into my head and they cut me like a knife an I feel so worthless. I allow others opinions of me make the value of my life and I should not.
    I love you. OPK
